Thursday 12 August 2010

The Power of the Tube

So there are a huge number of ways to use YouTube to your advantage and help you gain a bigger audience. I will look at the key ways in future blogs and newsletters but right now I wanted to let you in on a quite novel and almost sneaky way of promoting your music. Now this does require a little bit of editing skill but nothing too strenuous and I am sure if you can’t do it some someone else will be able to assist. If you have a windows machine you may find that you already have “Windows Movie Maker” which will do the job perfectly.

The idea is relatively simple. You put your song/s as the backing track to a compilation and credit your acts in the video. So if you are a feisty Hip Hop act create a skate or BMX compilation then overlay your tracks. To really do well here ensure the video is on a topic that links to your type of music. So something people are generally interested in. This may involve a little bit of stereo typing but ultimately they are stereotypes for a reason. If you are not 100% sure then look around YouTube for other compilations and see what genre of music backs them.

The idea here is that on YouTube to find your act or your music the listener must search for your name or the song title. This means they must already know about you. So if you are a soundtrack to a video they are interested in then you have got them there in a different way. For Example – Say you are a fast paced rock band. You might choose to create a top 10 car crashes compilation (always popular) and apply your tracks to this. So when someone searches for this and sees top 10 it is likely to be selected. There is also a bit of psychology here as they will associate your music with the video subconsciously. So in the car crash example your music is directly linked to a adrenaline pumping awesome speed freak compilation.

Get clever with your marketing and you will really stand out.

More on You Tube Techniques soon

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